Our Rooms
Learning Adventures Airport Oaks has three separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.
Little Kiwis
Our Little Kiwis are our under 2s, with their own dedicated space that is safe, secure and homely.
Daily Routine
7:00 am: Centre opens
7:30 am: Breakfast
8:30 am: Free play
9:00 am: Morning tea
9:30 am: Planned activities
10:30 am: Nappy change
10:45 am: Mat time
11:00 am: Lunch
11:30 am: Sleep time
1:30 pm: Free play
2:15 pm: Afternoon tea
2:30 pm: Story time
3:00 pm: Free play, learning experiences and preparing for home time
6:00 pm: Centre closes
The Pukeko Room caters for our children aged 2 – 3.5 years old and is filled with inspiring and engaging resources specially designed for this age group.
Daily Routine
7:00 am: Centre opens, settle children, breakfast
8:15 am: Outdoors set up for play and learning experiences
9:30 am: Rolling morning tea begins
10:00 am: Indoor and outdoor flow, activities are set up and refreshed
10:15 am: Nappy change and toileting
11:00 am: Children come inside for mat time (with optional activities for those who don’t want mat time)
11:30 am: Lunch
11:50 am: Children prepare for nap time
1:00 pm: Outdoors opens
1:30 pm: Toileting and nappy changing
2:30 pm: Afternoon tea
2:45 pm: Outdoors open for free play, teachers help the children who go home at 3:00 pm to get ready for home
4:30 pm: Outdoors tidied up and closed, children come inside and are involved in quiet activities – reading, singing, sharing about their day
5:00 pm: Late snack; teachers assist the children in finding their belongings and getting them ready to go home
6:00 pm: Centre closes
Our Fantails are our children aged 3 years and above, and this warm and welcoming space is full of enriching activities and resources that build independence and resilience and prepare little ones for the next phase of their learning journey – school.
Daily Routine
7:00 am: Centre opens, greet tamariki, breakfast
8:30 am: Free play
10:00 am: Morning tea
10:30 am: Learning experiences and activities set
11:30 am: Mat time
12:00 pm: Lunch
12:30 pm: Quiet activity time – tamariki are given the opportunity to rest or explore
1:30 pm: Outdoor play
2:00 pm: Afternoon tea
3:00 pm: Afternoon mat time (optional)
3:30 pm: Free play
5:00 pm: Late snack
6:00 pm: Centre closes