Our Rooms
Learning Adventures Katikati has separate rooms for different ages and stages, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.
Tipu Room
In our under 2s room we base our care on providing the best experience for each individual child. Every child has been raised with a different routine and this is reflected in our teaching. Our indoor environment is gentle and nurturing and feels like a home away from home.
Daily Routine
7:30am: Tipu Room opens. Settling our children and talking with parents about their routines
8:30am: Free play inside/outside
9:00am: Karakia, morning tea
10:00am: Catering for individual routines and needs/activities
11:00am: Lunch
12:00pm: Sleep/ Free play inside and outside
1:00pm: Catering for individual routines and needs/activities
2:00pm: Afternoon tea
2:30pm: Free play inside/outside
5:00pm: Centre Closes
This routine is flexible. We pride ourselves on ensuring we run as close to each child’s individual home routine as possible, including sleep times, bottle times and meal times.
Learning experiences are provided for our babies and toddlers throughout the day. Nappies are checked every two hours as per centre policy.
Kea Room
Our over 2s environment allows for a mixture of fixed and fresh learning opportunities. We provide our children with the opportunity to explore, investigate and make discoveries. We have a separate kai area that allows for uninterrupted learning experiences. Our children are active participants in their learning and use their interests to support their learning and development.
Daily Routine
7:30am: Centre opens, Breakfast for any children that bring it with them or are hungry
8:30am: Settling in/free play inside and outside
9:15am: Karakia, morning tea
10:00am: Activity time/free play
11:15am: Mat time- Story time, music and movement, puppetry, roleplay
11:30am: Wash hands, lunch time starts
12:00pm: Sleep time for those children that require sleep
12:30pm: Inside outside flow with activities catering to our children's interests and learning goals
2:00pm: Karakia, afternoon tea
3:00pm: Free play
5:30pm: Center closes
This routine is flexible to meet our children's needs throughout the day. Children sleep and have bottles as required for their individual routines and our meal times can be earlier or later if need be. Learning experiences, both child led and planned, are carried out throughout the day. Nappies are checked every two hours in accordance to our centre policy.
School Readiness Room
Here our children gain enthusiasm and confidence around concepts such as literacy, science, and maths as these are incorporated in their play environment. Our tamariki leave us eager, curious, brave, full of wonder and with a sense of responsibility about their next learning adventure.