Kōanga and Emergency Drill Week

Kia ora koutou katoa e te whānau
We have kicked off our Kōanga / Spring time with a buzz!
Kōanga Festival
Our Kōanga Festival we had on Friday 6th of September was a wonderful day spent connecting with Papatūānuku through
planting. Our tamariki sowed seeds and will follow the cycle for Sunflowers, Hue and Kamokamo through daily jobs, & monitoring their growth. We also, planted silverbeet, strawberries and an assortment of flowers to enhance our mara kai and garden in the carpark.
Te wiki o te reo Māori
We are so privileged to have access to fluent speakers who workwith us daily, they will lead us towards speaking more reo this week, we strive to speak reo in our daily interactions, use modifiers to extend and emphasis our korero, through karakia,
waiata and you will also read te reo in assessments aswell. We encourage all our whānau to speak more reo at home!
Emergency Drill Week
this week 9th - 13th of September. Fire, Earthquake, Shelter in
place and Tsunami drills are planned for this week. This gives us all time to practice our procedures and review anything needing improving. We have 2 assembly spots one by our back fence, that can open up to Richmond Primary, the other in front carpark in front of our parked van.
Nau mai haere mai - we warmly welcome all our whānau to drop into our centre and connect with us. We would love to show you around our special place and give you an update on both your child's learning progress and centre as a whole. Door is always open.
So we have a number of amazing people that awhi and manaaki our tamariki every day.
Julie, Dee, Gwelda (Nanny G), Linda, Chris, Hayley, Anita and our relievers are Rach and Nicee.
Water play is on the rise! - Please pack more shorts and t shirts in your child's bag.
Our van - Hayley has reported our tamariki are big and responsible following rules to keep themselves and others safe from harm. Her van phone is up and running again please txt
her 022774715
Ko taku reo taku ohooho, ko taku reo taku mapihi mauria
My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul — This is a whakatauki (proverb) closely associated with language revitalization.
Mauri Ora kia tātou katoa, Teresa