Mānawatia Matariki Panui
Mōrena, Talofa, Namaste, Good morning
️The past week our kaiako, kaimahi, whānau, tamariki have celebrated the Māori New Year known as Matariki or Pūanga (depending where you live in Aotearoa).️
Authentic opportunities have been planned and done with high engagement from everyone in our Learning Community. A special mention to our kaiako and kaimahi for their valued mahi put into recognising Tangata Whēnua of our country. Mihi tino nui kia tātou.
Acknowledgements to our tamariki for being extraordinary, they all embraced all opportunities and through their involvement combined with the concepts of AKO & tuakana / teina relationships they all contributed in their own way to an amazing week learning about & celebrating Matariki.
Our intent for Matariki was to whakanuia as a whānau through manaakitanga and kai. We acknowledge you all. From completing your child's parent engagement forms in their
profiles (connected to the star Hiwa i te rangi) this has assisted us in setting goals and direction for the coming year, it enables us to reasses our curriculum aligning it to your aspirations in addition it keeps us on track with our kauapapa for our tamariki.
Everyone who came to our Disco, and our Soup day (connected to Tupuānuku, Tupuārangi, Waiti & Waita), ngā mihi.
We will be in touch to schedule parent / teacher discussions aimed for mid July 2024.
Lastly, acknowledgements and remembrance to all our love ones who have passed on in the last 12months, Rest in love ️ ki to tātou hunga mate, moe mai ra, moe mai ra, moe mai ra
(connected to Pōhutukawa)
Mānawatia a Matariki