Celebrating Cook Island language week
Kia orana
This week we celebrated Cook Island language week in many special ways. We celebrate and appreciate learning about different cultures and languages. Our environment is evolving, through mahi tahi and whānaungatanga we have some meaningful displays in motion.
Our Orchard in the kai area is flourishing. Soon to be in full bloom with our tamariki mahi toi / art work. Orchard theme was inspired by "Hawkes Bay the fruit bowl of NZ".
We have a stunning Tapa Cloth on display. Cultural print, patterns and symbols are highly valued and recognised as literacy and numeracy.
So much learning happening in our place as a whole whānau. Our tamariki teach us so much too.
Thank you Amelia for baking chocolate brownies for the teachers.
Have a lovely warm weekend,
Meitaki Maata.